Gabreta Logo

Gabreta Smart Grids

Project of Common Interest

Learn more about Gabreta Smart Grids
Project promoters
Project supporters

General Information

Gabreta Smart Grids aims to accelerate the digitization of the distribution grid by fostering the cross-border cooperation between Germany and the Czech Republic.

Increasing numbers of renewable energy sources, electric mobility, and advances in sector coupling, as well as better service and more comfort for citizens all depend on a modern, resilient and digitized grid, especially on the distribution system level.

Gabreta Smart Grids will foster these goals by developing a practical vision of how to fast-track the deployment of digital technologies to the distribution grid. In addition to a cross-border interconnection between Germany and the Czech Republic, the grid will be upgraded by smart elements accommodating it for the further integration of renewable energy sources and the ongoing decentralization of energy system. This will allow for a better connection of grid users, providing them with higher security and quality of supply. Gabreta Smart Grids will prepare the electricity grid for a connected, resilient and sustainable energy future in Europe.

“Gabreta” is a Celtic expression for the Bavarian/Bohemian forest region that straddles the German-Czech border. It symbolizes the spirit of cross-border cooperation and connection of the project.

Estimated time of realization
€ 672,1 mil.
Estimated project value

Project of Common Interest

Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) are major infrastructure projects that modernise and link energy networks and systems across Europe. Each PCI helps at least two countries work together to develop state-of-the-art energy grids that are better interconnected with new infrastructure such as overhead lines, underground cables and smart grid assets.

PCIs are intended to help the EU achieve its energy policy and climate objectives: affordable, secure and sustainable energy for all citizens, and the long-term decarbonisation of the economy in accordance with the Paris Agreement. The European Union Drew up a 5th list of projects of common interest (PCIs) – and Gabreta Smart Grids is one of the listed smart grid projects. This list is valid for year 2022 and 2023.

The project is also on the 6th PCI list, which is valid for the years 2024 and 2025. Gabreta is a Project of Common Interest (PCI) and an important European project funded by the CEF.

See the benefits


More secure, powerful and efficient.

Main benefits of the project include an economically efficient electricity system with decreased losses and enhanced quality, greater security of supply, improved integration of renewable energy sources, increased grid users’ capacity, improved capacity utilization, positive environmental impact and enhanced international cooperation and knowledge sharing.

What are our goals
Integration of renewable energy sources
Positive enviromental impact
Ready for energy efficient future
Increased grid capacity
Enhanced quality and security of supply


Strong and modern infrastructure.

Main goals are the modernization and digitization of the energy infrastructure.

Gabreta Smart Grids will foster the cross-border cooperation on the distribution level through a new cross-border interconnection. The specific project activities will prepare the power grid infrastructure for a broader energy transition towards intermittent renewable sources.

See the activities
Gabreta Goals illustration


Future proofing our networks with smart technologies.

Gabreta Smart Grids is focused on modernizing the distribution networks in the Czech Republic (South Bohemia and South Moravia) and Germany (Bavaria), based primarily on smart grid technologies, digitization and new elements of communication.

See the project documentation
Gabreta Activities

Official documentation

Gabreta Brochure
PDF document
Gabreta One Pager
PDF document

Public consultations

Public consultation

You can send us your suggestions, observations and queries via the form and we will be happy to answer them.

Open Consultation form

Public consultation 11/11/2022

Public consultation in Czech language in compliance with the Regulation (EU) No.347/2013 of the Europien Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2013 on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastrukture.

PDF document

Public consultation 19/12/2023

Public consultation in Czech language in compliance with the Regulation (EU) No.347/2013 of the Europien Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2013 on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastrukture.

PDF document


Contact details for answering additional questions and providing additional documentation.

Czech Republic

EG.D, a.s.
Mgr. Tomáš Manosoglu


Bayernwerk AG
Nina Sichler

These contacts are not for the obligation of public consultation.